Top 20 NuGet mvc Packages

Share your ASP.Net MVC server side Controller data with your client side JavaScript.
This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.
MvcAuthorization is a configuration based authorization library for ASP.NET MVC. The original concept, description, and examples can be found at
Redactor.Mvc.EditorTmpl simple editor template Asp.NET MVC
MVC API is a Web Api framework built on top ASP.NET MVC.
Lightweight helper APIs simplifying IIS,IISExpress and Nuget packages management in tests
jFluent is a Fluent style, light-weight validation framework for client-side validation. It is a jQuery plugin which can be used in ASP .NET MVC and also standard (or mobile) HTML websites.
Your favourite short, stocky, slow-witted and bald friend for ASP.NET MVC. More clearly: it contains helpful extensions to the ASP.NET MVC framework. Things like extra action results, route constraints and HtmlHelpers.
Additional datasources for AutoPoco, including enum, city, street, postal, company, datetime, timespan
The Drill.Integration.Web.Mvc package contains the Drill.Integration.Web.Mvc assembly which is used to integrate Drill into ASP.NET MVC applications.
ASP.NET MVC4 Integration for DContainer
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro using Windsor
Razor-based SMTP email engine
Extensions, Helpers, Infrastructure, Specifications for Sprint
Filtering data in ASP.NET MVC
Crowbar is an application testing library for ASP.NET MVC 3 and 4.
Display version information for all (or some) DLLs included in your ASP.NET site.
Nupload makes it easy to support signed object downloads and asynchronous CORS-enabled form uploads to and from Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
Replacement for the yellow screen of death that gives more context
MvcContrib.FluentHtml is a library of extensible, strongly-typed HTML helpers that employs a fluent API to increase productivty of authoring MVC views. Note: this is a fork of the MvcContrib project that is suited for working with ASP.NET MVC 4.