Top 20 NuGet mock Packages

Randata is an easy way to mock your application. It has a generical DataProvider, able to generate random data. It works for both primitive types (int, boll, string, etc), lists, enumarators and your custom types. To use it, just add a reference (using Randata;) and call the Dat...
*TestBase* gets you off to a flying start when unit testing projects with dependencies. TestBase-Mvc adds a rich extensible set of fluent assertions for verifying Mvc ActionResults and for easy setup of ControllerContext and HttpContext for both Mvc and WebApi TestBase.Shoulds ------------------- Ch...
TDD is dead : only for legacy code that doesn't have HardMock! Record your Mock from integration test when you have lots of Legacy code.
MbUnit supports creating tests dynamically at run time. By creating a wrapper that exposes FSpec tests as MbUnit dynamic tests, tools that integrate with MbUnit can be allowed to see FSpec tests.
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which provides a fake UrlHelper
Machine.Fakes context configurations which provide methods for creating fake request contexts
WcfHelper.Mock helps for develope Unittests for Wcf-Clients.
Identity Management store layer using Effort mock database.
Time-related utility classes that will help in testing apps that rely on dates and times for logic
This package provides automatic Automatic Factory functionality similar to Castle.Windsor Typed Factories, for the Autofac IoC container.
Rocks auto mocking integration for Stashbox.
A hybrid HTTP mock library that can start both in memory server and self host server. The core facilities can make complex things possible, and the extensions can make simple things simple. Usages can be found in project test cases.
AWS Lambda Mock Context (aws-lambda-mock-context) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Mock Raf (mock-raf) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Match Media Mock (match-media-mock) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Fetch Mock (fetch-mock) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
These are tools for use in writing and testing C# code
Simplifies the creation of small networked applications.
Sinon Express Mock (sinon-express-mock) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.