Top 20 NuGet mock Packages

A mocking library that creates Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory IMemoryCache system mocks using NSubstitute.
Collection of helper functions for interacting with HTTP calls
Net Standard Cache Helper
A fluent API to configure HttpClients for unit testing.
An auto-mocking container that generates mocks using FakeItEasy
.Net Library for intercepting HttpClient. Use cases: mocking for Unit-Tests, Recording and Replaying of Requests/Responses.
A simple test helper that allows use of sqlite in memory based on MS example.
Mocking a TwinCAT Ads Server, for unit testing code with ADS read/write requests.
Some extension methods for dsian.TwinCAT.Ads.Server.Mock
Provides InMemory and File implementations of SimpleJira.Interface.IJira.
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are easy to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging - Mix & match with your favouri...
Reusable mocks that you can use to mock your database if you use Prius as your ORM.
Xamarin based mocking framework that really helps to isolate dependencies in your mobile unit tests.
A mock library for HTTP request via HttpClient. Simple, fast, no HTTP server needed, parallel test executing enabled.
Easily mock HttpClient with canned responses to make testing easier
This package helps you to solve expression function in unit test moq framework.
SereneApi is a .NET Library that introduces an intuitive way of consuming your REST APIs while combining a robust set of extensible tools. This package adds support for creating API Mock Responses to specific Requests allowing for easy testing in both unit tests and whilst developting.
Provides a testable abstraction and alternative to DateTime.Now / DateTime.UtcNow
A simple TCP/UDP server for using in test projects which test .net core based projects.
A simple mocking library for TypeScript