Top 20 NuGet messaging Packages

Cambion is a light-weight open-source service bus for .NET with a set of convenience functions for synchronous and asynchronous event handling.
This package is deprecated and should no longer be referenced. The functionality was merged into the NServiceBus.Metrics.PerformanceCounters package.
Line API for .NET by CloudRail provides an instant messaging service and software application in which you can send text, image, videos and files. Get a free license key at: Features: - Send text messages - Send files, images, videos and audios - Parse messages received o...
Facebook Messenger API for .NET by CloudRail provides an instant messaging service and software application in which you can send text, image, videos and files. Get a free license key at: Features: - Send text messages - Send files, images, videos and audios - Parse messa...
Viber API for .NET by CloudRail provides an instant messaging service and software application in which you can send text, image, videos and files. Get a free license key at: Features: - Send text messages - Send files, images, videos and audios - Parse messages received ...
Unified Messaging API for .NET by CloudRail provides the possibility to programmatically send and receive messages via messaging services. This interface includes Facebook Messenger, Line, SlackBot, Telegram, Viber. Get a free license key at: Features: - Send te...
Telegram API for .NET by CloudRail provides an instant messaging service and software application in which you can send text, image, videos and files. Get a free license key at: Features: - Send text messages - Send files, images, videos and audios - Parse messages receiv...
Slack Bot API for .NET by CloudRail provides an instant messaging service and software application in which you can send text, image, videos and files. Get a free license key at: Features: - Send text messages - Send files, images, videos and audios - Parse messages recei...
Library for Interfacing With Pidgins SMS
Azure Storage Messages for KnightBus
Implementation of RockLib.Messaging API that sends messages using Amazon SNS.
These packages include the resources needed to write Remote Data Adapters and Remote Metadata Adapters for Lightstreamer Server with .Net. Each Lightstreamer session requires the presence of an Adapter Set, which is made up of one Metadata Adapter and one or multiple Data Adapters. Multiple Adap...
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
Redis Messages for KnightBus
Features of S22.Xmpp - Supports XMPP over TLS/SSL - SASL Authentication (PLAIN, DIGEST-MD5, and SCRAM-SHA-1) - User Avatars - SOCKS5 and In-Band File-Transfer - In-Band Registration - User Mood - User Tune - User Activity - Simplified Blocking - API designed to be very easy to use - Well...
ZeroMQ C# CLR namespace (.NET and mono, Windows and Linux, x86 and amd64)
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Silverback is a simple but feature-rich framework to build reactive/event-driven applications or microservices. This package contains the message broker and connectors abstractions.
Silverback is a simple but feature-rich framework to build reactive/event-driven applications or microservices. This core package provides a very simple in-memory message bus.
The clrzmq project contains .NET bindings for ØMQ (ZeroMQ), an open source, high performance transport layer. Targets Any CPU and includes compiled versions of the native libzmq library for x86 and x64.