Top 20 NuGet messaging Packages

Polly middleware that uses a policy registry
Plugin for SlimMessageBus that provides Apache.Avro serialization.
Implementation for Messaging using RabbitMQ
Tests for persistence seam implementations
NServiceBus Azure Table Persistence
Package Description
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Package Description
fszmq is an MPLv2-licensed F# binding for the ZeroMQ distributed computing library. This library is primarily designed to be consumed from F#. However, where possible, the library has been designed to appear "friendly" when consumed by other .NET languages (C#, et aliam). NOTE: This package **ONLY*...
A developer friendly service bus for .NET
The NMS Stomp client is a small lightweight .NET client that can send and receive messages from any Stomp based message broker.
Ariane is a very simple component to process message in JSON format with async generic queue like MSMQ, Azure Service Bus, File or InMemory
This sample demonstrates high-throughput server push by PowerWebSockets.
A simple, easy to use asynchronous messaging framework for .NET.
WCF support for bridging between WCF and the messaging infrastructure
This package contains bindings for using Bond with gRPC. The Bond-generated gRPC code depends on types in this assembly. Bond is an open source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechan...