Top 20 NuGet management Packages

Crypteron CipherObject Agent for general object oriented encryption
Identity Management application services and business logic implemented as Autofac module.
Identity Management store layer for PostgreSQL.
Identity Management store layer using Effort mock database.
============================= Module: biz.dfch.PS.Azure.ServiceBus.Management d-fens GmbH, General-Guisan-Strasse 6, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland This Microsoft PowerShell module contains Cmdlets to perform various base actions and utility/convenience functions with Azure Service Bus 1.1. You can al...
Log to from System.Diagnostics.Trace and friends.
ShipmentRouter RESTful JSON order routing web services split Ecommerce order to multiple shipments, allocate warehouse inventory and route shipments to specific warehouses based on routing scenarios and available inventory. ShipmentRouter has major order routing functionality such as address geocodi...
Easy to Use SQL Server Script Management Library
A content management system for WebForms. Bootstrap compatible, built in image manager and drag and drop image uploading. Includes jquery UI tools, data binding and data accessor layer. Can be used with SQL server, mySQL or SQLite. Uses SQLite by default.
"IdentityManager - MembershipReboot" is a MembershipReboot-based identity manager provider for IdentityManager.
FullContact Contacts API SDK for .NET Documentation can be found at
Content Management Framework