Top 20 NuGet management Packages

OcAgent exporter for OpenCensus
Package Description
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Package Description
Steeltoe library for enabling dynamic management of Serilog
Adds a Configuration Editor to the Settings section for Umbraco 9
Zero-effort key management extension for IdentityServer4.
Zero-effort key management extension for IdentityServer4. This package adds database key persistence via Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Create amortization schedule and optimization intelligence for quick payoff. - Order the debt so the bulk of the payments go toward the debt that will be paid off earlier. - As each card is paid off, that money is combined and added to the next card to be paid off quickly. - Payment Statistics: ...
Linq provider for Windows management objects
Need to use the rabbit management http api? Don't jump through hoops.
Provides NLog logging integration for Chinchilla, the little library that makes RabbitMQ awesome.
Command line database change management tool. And a drop-in replacement for the Tarantino database deployer.
This set of packages open up a rich surface area of Microsoft Azure services, giving you the power to automate, deploy, and test cloud infrastructure with ease. These services support: - Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines - Hosted Services - Infrastructure Services - Scheduler - Storage Accounts - Sub...
Sriracha Deployment Tasks for Azure
Post a chat message to HipChat when new errors occur on
OFX Schema Object, OFX Parser and Sgml Parser for .NET Standard. Also includes Statement Parser for QFX files.