Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Library for Xamarin Forms with Navigation, Guards and view model participation.
Extension methods for Xdal
Small and simple Data Access Layer/Library/Repositories for Entity Framework Core using Sql Server Provider
Small and simple Data Access Layer/Library/Repositories for Entity Framework Core using SQLite Provider
Small and simple Data Access Layer/Library/Repositories for Entity Framework Core using In-Memory Provider
Small and simple Data Access Layer/Library/Repositories for Entity Framework Core
Class library for CLI .NET apps. Provides startup pattern similar to ASP.NET Core logic.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for ASP.NET Core.
DigitalFlare Oxy. Default hosting components and implementations.
Package Description
A .NET helper library for Authorized Buyers RTB.
The immutable class library is a set of libraries that consumes and extends System.Collections.Immutable
Amadeus CSharp SDK - C# library for the Amadeus Self-Service travel APIs Amadeus provides a set of APIs for the travel industry. Flights, Hotels, Locations and more.
Managed wrapper for native libraries
Minha primeira biblioteca com operações matemáticas
**This package is a fork from (Thomas Haugland Johansen)** A relatively simple and extensible syntax highlighter written in C#
Xamarin.Android Binding for Filip Straka's Awesome Request Library for Android