Top 20 NuGet library Packages

The Enterprise Library Caching Cryptography Provider lets developers encrypt the data to be cached. This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 & .Net Standard 2.0.
Themable user notifications WPF control through pop-up elements
InplaceEditBoxLib provides a WPF overlay textbox control
Excel Reader using DocumentFormat.OpenXml. Reads the content of a cell and returns it as a string.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure SQLite queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure Oracle queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure SQL queries for OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Database) with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure SQL queries for ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) database with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
Adapter Library to communicate with SharePoint 2013. CSOM wrapper: will install CSOM NuGet Package as well.
Razor starter kit for the .NET version of Pattern Lab
Mustache starter kit for the .NET version of Pattern Lab
.NET version of Pattern Lab (Razor)
A Contentful content delivery API client
A *SIGNED* open source C# helper library for communication with the Zipabox controller from Zipato. It's a Portable Class Library (.NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and Windows 8.x).
F# computation expression library for code which should be executed in a special environment.