Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Redbridge Xamarin Forms MVVM portable client SDK library for iOS
Animations library for Xamarin Forms
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Xamarin.iOS apps (both classic and unified APIs).
A simple lightweight HybridWebView designed to work with Xamarin Forms
LibVLCSharp is a cross-platform audio and video API for .NET platforms based on VideoLAN's LibVLC Library. It provides a comprehensive multimedia API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop to render video and output audio. Mono, .NET Framework and .NET Core runtimes are supported. LibVL...
Add AutoFac Support for NukedBit.Mvvm
PayPal PlugIn for Xamarin.Forms.
MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xamarin Forms, Windows and Mac. This package contains the iOS Support libraries for MvvmCross.
Cross Platform HTTP (background) transfer tasks for Xamarin and Windows Supported Platforms * Android 4.3+ * iOS 7+ * Windows UWP Features * Background Uploads and Downloads on each platform * Supports transfer filtering based on metered connections (iOS and UWP only at the moment) * Event Based M...
This library contains a collection of Windows.Media APIs built for UWP, iOS and Android built by the community on GitHub.
Native markdown rendering for Xamarin.Forms.
Image cropper. Xamarin.Forms - all platforms, transformations support, uses FFImageLoading library
Receive and handle push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
.NET and Xamarin libraries for authentication through the AeroGear mobile services
Xamarin.Forms project to turn into elegant controls. Customizable border ,thickness,font and color for all controls. In the project ,use the text with icon in your button control and set textfloat to right or left side. In the other controls you n...
LinkedIn authentication handling across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
A plugin for Xamarin.Forms that contains several useful controls: - TabbedLayout - CollapsingLayout
SkiaSharp for Xamarin.Forms is a set of views that can be used to draw on the screen.
Xamarin and Windows plugin to vibrate your devices. Read the full documenation on the projects page.
Cross Platform Settings Plugin for Xamarin and Windows. Unlike other setting libraries in the wild, this library provides several unique features * You can store/retrieve just about any type of object (thanks to Newtonsoft.Json) * You can monitor for changes using the Changed event * iCloud Settin...