Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Collection of Xamarin.Forms components. IMPORTANT: On platform projects, call SharpnadoInitializer.Initialize() after Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() and before LoadApplication(new App()). Pure Xamarin.Forms tabs: * Fixed tabs (android tabs style) * Scrollable tabs * Segmented tabs * Custom sha...
Portable Class Library and platform specific support libraries for decoding and encoding JPEG2000 images. Works with Universal Windows (8.1 and 10), .NET Core for .NET Standard 1.0 and higher, .NET 3.5 (WPF and Windows Forms), Windows Phone 8 Silverlight, Silverlight 5, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin An...
Supports the creation of Xamarin iOS applications using the unified API. CSLA .NET is an application development framework that reduces the cost of building and maintaining applications. The framework enables developers to build an object-oriented business layer for their application that encapsula...
This package contains the binding extensions. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintainable cross platform C# native applicat...
Share statuses, links, and images on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and more.
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Some handy Monogame timer objects that can be used for time effects like hiererchical time, slowdown, speedup, hitpause, etc.
PoolSharp is a simple, light weight, thread safe object pool.
Helper classes for wrapping up input from different devices.
A MonoGame component for doing simple mouse interaction
Quick library for helping to read in content from xml files
A simple and light WebSocket client. Can be set to ignore SSL/TLS server certificate issues (use with care!). Easily and effectively observe incoming message using Reactive Extensions (Rx)
Interface that allows Internal Navigation Testing for Behaviour Driven Development Test Library for Xamarin.Forms
MonoGame library to easily show messages to the player via toast popups
Unified Maps provides a Xamarin.Forms map control for iOS and Android apps. It is designed to be a near drop in replacement for the Xamarin.Forms.Maps package but with enhanced functionality.
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework for Xamarin.Forms
A MonoGame library for splitting up a 2d game world into cells, used to speed up collision detection etc.
RepeaterView custom control for Xamarin.Forms