Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

An extension to the Arachnid HTTP Machine adding CORS support
An Arachnid machine expressing the core HTTP semantics and logic
Core utilities and tools for building Arachnid machines, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Core utilities and tools for building Arachnid machines
URI Template based Arachnid router
Provides simple F# syntax for NSubstitute
LSON is intended to be a S-Expression serialization library
Blazor rendering with F#.
The Open Toolkit is set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL. It runs on all major platforms and powers hundreds of apps, games and scientific research. OpenTK provides several utility libraries, including a math/linear algebra package, a windowing system, and input handli...
An F# module to parse Java .properties files
CodeMirror bindings for WebSharper
Asynchronous sequences for F#, forked by Johann Deneux with a suggested fix for a performance issue in AsyncSeq.cache
An F# library for model-fitting model-selection (MFMS) of ecological models to observational data. The library was developed for individual-based plant modelling using tree ring time-series, but can be used for any ecological models.
Alternative query binding mechanism for Giraffe apps
Practical dependency injection in Giraffe that gets out of your way
Alternative JSON model binding mechanism for Giraffe apps without definting intermediate types
SqlFun is a tool for writing data access code in F# functional way. It's fast, type safe and gives you all powers of SQL, no custom query language constraints you. It's also lightweight, you need to know a general idea and few functions (and, of course SQL).