Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

Chimayo is a library for creating and manipulating SQL Server Integration Services packages with F# code. Chimayo provides a completely different development experience for producing SSIS packages that fits with modern software development: * Write code, not a custom DSL, and benefit from refactor...
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
A collection of utilities that encapsulate common concurrency patterns and constructs for use with the Hopac concurrency library.
Simple Web MVC Library using F#
Provide a printf replacement with colors. This library provide a colorprintf function where colors can be set for a range using the syntax : $foreground;background[text] For example: colorprintf "Hello $red[%s]." "world"
F#ing simple logger for F#.
F# Data-based library for accessing Bank for International Settlements data
XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization library that supports creating charts using Google Charts and Plotly. The library provides a composable domain specific language for building charts and specifying their properties.
Marquee is an open source, Selenium based, UI Automation library written in F#.
Validate your JSON values using data structures. Inspired by [joi](
NancyFx .net core F# Template
Elmish for Xamarin Forms based on Elmish.WPF
A .NET framework for composing, evaluating, inspecting and persisting computational experiments which are represented as a dataflow.
Utf8Json extensions for F#
Type providers for Dynamics CRM access.
The F# compiler services package contains a custom build of the F# compiler that exposes additional functionality for implementing F# language bindings, additional tools based on the compiler or refactoring tools. The package also includes F# interactive service that can be used for embedding F# scr...