Top 20 NuGet fake Packages

Tiny data records that create fake Recordset and DataReader for test
A fakeable http client. Allows unit tests to intercept requests and replace them with pre-configured responses. This is useful for stubbing out external services.
Fake implementations of base classes in System.Web for unit tests
FAKE build helpers for building using .NET CLI, .NET Core SDK and DNX.
CSBuild is a .NET library which helps create build scripts with normal .NET console applications.
Amin code generator
Package Description
.Net library that generates fake data and loads it into e.g. a database.
Chet is a simple, minimal, mocking framework for .NET Core 2.0.
An `AnythingActivator` will make an extreme effort to find and instantiate a concrete class which is assignable to a `Type`, whether or not the Type is concrete, whether or not the Type has constructor dependencies, whether or not a suitable concrete subtype is found in any currently loaded `Assem...
Package Description
Like a faking library, but oriented towards dynamic modification at runtime.
**SystemTestingTools** (for .net core 3.1+) extends your test capabilities, providing ways to create / return stubs, allowing you to run more comprehensive / deterministic / reliable tests in your local dev machine / build tool and in non-prod environments. * supporting interception of Http (H...
Creates data fixtures
Package Description
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for Xunit tests.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for MSTest tests.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB.