Top 20 NuGet fake Packages

lib12 is a library of universal helpers and extensions useful in any .NET project
This package allows simluation / emulation of SharePoint 2013 farm solutions. The test project must be dotnet 4.5 or above and have support for microsoft fakes.
A library for automating Windows applications that are based on WPF. Use for creating an automated test suite that drives your application through its user interface.
Fake Entity Generator for Unit test under ASP.MVC. Generator creating an entity with a filled it properties (primitive types) data.
Simple persons generator. You can open issue or contribute to
A fake implementation of HttpResponseBase
Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library. Use RichardSzalay.MockHttp unless you need a signed assembly.
FAKE.GitBook is FAKE extension for GitBook.
Usado para criar dados falsos para nossa aplicação. É possível criar dados falsos para. - Address - Company - CreditCard - Education - GeoLocation - Internet - Lorem - Name - PhoneNumber - etc
Aspnet core middleware to spin up rest resources dynamically. This package is part of project Imposter which provides simple over the wire test doubles. Project Imposter allows to stub or mock a REST resource.
Fork of Griffin.AdoNetFakes
Enables to store mocking sessions in Amazon Aws DynamoDb for request/response verification. This package is part of project Imposter which provides simple over the wire test doubles. Project Imposter allows to stub or mock a REST resource.
A .NET port of the Ruby faker gem.
Fake data generator for .net standart.
netDumbster.Sample contains a runnable unit test for evaluate purpoes of the .Net Fake SMTP Server netDumbster is a .Net Fake SMTP Server clone of the popular Dumbster ( netDumbster is based on the API of nDumbster (
Utility for filling objects with data. Supports: Primitive Types, Arrays, IEnumerable<>, IList<>, ICollection<>, ISet<>, IDictionary<>, List<>, HashedSet<>, Dictionary<> and hopefully most of user custom classes
Auto Faking constructors for IoC injection.
Auto Faking for IoC (for writing tests).
A really simple little autofaker for FakeItEasy.
FAKE.Persimmon is FAKE extension for Persimmon.