Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

MySQL database provider for Entity Framework Core.
Provides an extension method over the Entity Framework DbContext for bulk insertion of entities.
Projeto em andamento. Biblioteca com classes base de infra para arquitetura de microserviços utilizando DDD
remove data in logically
Adds support for NodaTime types when using SQLite with Entity Framework Core.
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A couple useful extensions for creating DB creation scripts from EF Code First models.
Postgresql provider for Entity Framework 6 and above
Provides extension methods to Entity Framework for simplified fluent configuration of indexes.
Testing helpers for using FakeItEasy with EntityFramework.
EfSchemaCompare.EF6 allows you to compare Entity Framework's database modal with an actual SQL database. Useful if you are managing the database and its migrations yourself and want to ensure that the SQL is in step with EF.
Allows SQL Server Compact 4.0 to be used with Entity Framework Core
Fork from MikaelEliasson's EntityFramework.Utilities. Custom shcema issue fixed and command timeout added. Fixes are taken from LambdaCruiser and Anthyme. Update operation time out issue fixed. Time out is infinity by default for all operations.Bulk operations now can use check constraints.
Provides GeoJSON.Net Converters from / to the EntityFramework Spatial types.
An AutoFixture customization that lazy-loads navigation properties on Entity Framework objects. See for the port to .Net Standard
A Lightweight .NET Package for CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete) methods against a DbContext Database.
PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework Classic
Foundation EF Libraries