Top 20 NuGet dnx Packages

Writing a .NET Core library? Want to use native Windows Runtime APIs? This package is for you.
Writing a .NET Core library? Want to use native Windows Phone APIs? This package is for you.
Writing a .NET Core library? Want to use native Windows 8 APIs? This package is for you.
dnx based Serilog sink for Syslog based on SyslogNet.Client-dnx
A .NET library for all things random! Intended for ASP .Net Core projects.
Dnx.Identity.MongoDB Class Library
a simple watcher for dnx that works on .Net and Mono, Win & Mac
Statsd client for C#, providing a full set of counter/timer/gauge/set functionality in an easy to use static. Helpers are provided for easily timing chunks of code too. This project is a fork of as the original package is not compatible with core clr.
Writing a .NET Core library? Want to use native Windows Runtime APIs? This package is for you.
ASP.NET Core support for the Dotnet Microservice library
DNX command line tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app
ASP.NET Core support for the Dotnet Microservice library
Tool to auto-generate BCL package nuspec dependencies for CoreCLR projects
Command line options parser
A C# glob matcher
SyslogNet.Client-dnx Class Library is based on dnx project and is a fork of SyslogNet.Client nuget. The additional feature is to pass X509Certificate when using encrypted TCP
FAKE build helpers for building using .NET CLI, .NET Core SDK and DNX.
An implementation of assertion matchers for testing.
The Select2 control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.