Top 20 NuGet dnx Packages

Nilgiri is some sort of black tea but it was the only one that started with 'n'... I really liked the BDD Assertion Styles ( in Chai.js when I dabbled in Node. Why not bring them to .NET? Full examples can be found at
Deprecated, see:
A .Net Execution Environment [Dnx] Core Library. See Project Site link for more details.
Kronoc.Client is a library which allows you integrate project with Kronos cache platform (Kronos.Server)
A Global Exception Handler Middleware, allowing developers to create one or more exception handlers (intercepts).
Application Insights Tracing module for ASP.NET Core DotVVM
Please use Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This package is obsolete.
.NET Extensions and helpers for CommandLine
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash. Provides a foundation for managing flash messages.
.NET Extensions and helpers for Core and Common .NET types
.NET Extensions and helpers for Log4Net
.NET Extensions and helpers for Console Applications
CouchDb Client for DNX runtime
Iago runner is a tool to run bdd like tests in kre
Module for DotVVM with dothtml files Status Page.
Diagnostics add-in for DotVVM projects to visualize usage of Server-Side ViewModel Cache
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash.AspNetCore.MessageProviders. Leverages DNXFlash and contains useful message providers for AspNet.
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash.AspNetCore.ViewProviders. Leverages DNXFlash and contains useful view helpers for Razor.
JwtDnx is JWT / JWS Implementation for .NET DNX (like ASP.NET 5 MVC 6) If you want to get a version of the .NET Core, is here
ASP.NET Core middleware to serve files for a single page application.