Top 20 NuGet diagnostics Packages

Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data from Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) providers.
Ensure all members are assigned in an object initializer. Enable with comment above it: // AssignAll enable
The infrastructure and extensibility points required to enable Glimpse to serve data and content.
This package contains Razor helpers to inject Glimpse into web applications.
The infrastructure and extensibility points required to enable Glimpse to gather diagnostics information from ASP.NET web applications.
Provides diagnostics capabilities, including a well-known endpoint for a subscribing ASP.NET Core application which outputs diagnostic and health-related information.
A starter kit to quickly add Serilog/AppInisghts/Operations based diagnostics to an episerver application.
A starter kit to quickly add Serilog/AppInisghts/Operations based diagnostics to a web application.
Gathers machine names.
Gathers performance counter related information.
This is an optional meta-package which includes all "X4D Diagnostics TraceListener" implementations such as ConsoleTraceListener and UdpJsonTraceListener. You can reference individual trace listener packages if preferred, see package dependencies for a list.
Provides a "UDP Trace Listener" implementation which emits trace events formatted using JSON.
Provides a "Console TraceListener" implementation which emits trace events formatted using JSON.
Contains TraceSourceAttribute - a PostSharp-based aspect for simple but rich logging with .Net System.Diagnostics framework. It makes completely simple to use activity tracing and locial operations stacks. To use, just mark an class, property, method or entire assembly with [TraceSource] attribute a...
A Serilog sink that writes events to App Center Diagnostics.
Redis wrapper that writes to de DiagnosticSource
Runtime diagnostics for production .NET Core applications.
Microsoft.Utilities.Logging support for FastTracker.