Top 20 NuGet diagnostics Packages

Provides an abstract "JSON TextWriter Trace Listener" implementation which emits trace events formatted using JSON.
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data sourced through System.Diagnostics.Inputs.Log4net infrastructure.
Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack logger provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Writes direct to Elasticsearch using the Elastic Common Schema (ECS), with semantic logging of structured data from message and scope values. The results can be viewed and queried in the Kibana console. ...
FastTracker.Diagnostics.SqlClient notifies outgoing SqlClient requests.
FastTracker.Diagnostics.HttpClient notifies outgoing Http requests.
FastTracker.Diagnostics.Custom EventSource
FastTracker.Diagnostics.EntityFrameworkCore notifies of EF requests.
A trace listener for log4net, allowing provider-agnostic tracing in console applications.
A trace listener for log4net, allowing provider-agnostic tracing in web applications.
This package is a plugin for Glimpse that provides you a detailed view of all activity from within the DotNetOpenAuth library. Glimpse - What Firebug is for the client, Glimpse does for the server... in other words, a client side Glimpse into whats going on in your server.
The SOAC Factory is the hook for SOAcollective's SOA Platform out-of-the Box for the Microsoft stack. It allows you to automatically endow your WCF services with ws-discovery, metrics, monitoring and more with zero coding.
Sets up an ASP.NET Area with a JsTraceController in order to facilitate sending JsTrace messages to the server
SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Server. Using JSON and key-value storage, it lets you persist object graphs without specifying any mappings or extending any base classes interfaces etc. It lets you perform queries against SQL-server, using lambda expressions. It syncs schem...
Implements the tracing interface with Enterprise Library.
Implements the tracing interface with log4net.