Top 20 NuGet command Packages

Redis implementation of CircuitBreakerBroker support for the Clockwise command scheduling library.
This .NET Standard library is a simple command line argument parser. It uses attributes on classes that define which of the properties are used as command line arguments. Custom types can be processed by implementing and registering interface `ICustomConverter`.
Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Web API 2 🌐 ✔️ Provides generic actions for handling the execution of commands and queries ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
MVVM solution for efficent command definition and usage in UWP projects including a comfortable base view model
Command Query Separation for AWS Lambda ⚡ ✔️ Provides generic function support for commands and queries with Amazon API Gateway ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
A .Net Standard Wrapper to Manage Commands with Telegram Bot Webhooks.
A WebApp Site extension that allows you to open a command prompt / powershell window to all / any of the instances hosting your site. It also allows you to collect Mini and Full memory dumps of the process's running on any specific instance. It also supports profiling the process. All the data is do...
Library for quickly implementing common microservice patterns in .Net Standard.
The Apache Commons CLI library provides an API for parsing command line options passed to programs. It's also able to print help messages detailing the options available for a command line tool.
Extensions for the built in styles for the ArgParser project
Aggregate package for the ArgParser project
A Dapper implementation for Panama, the command architecture for .Net developed by Diran Ogunlana
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
Clients for CommandQuery ✔️ CommandClient ✔️ QueryClient 📄
An easy to use package for detect the OS and use system commands. Visite for more details
Base classes for commands and input/output validations
PocoData is a simple, database agnostic data access layer. Because sometimes you need simpler, lighter data access methods.
A Simple helper class for excuting commands via cmd,shell
Contains generic definition of widely used command for create/update/delete operations