Top 20 NuGet command Packages

The Redis extension package adds the 'Redis Request Context', which allows request variables to be stored in a Redis instance database.
Library to interact with command line arguments.
Command Query Separation for .NET Framework and .NET Standard ⚙️ ✔️ Build services that separate the responsibility of commands and queries ✔️ Focus on implementing the handlers for commands and queries ✔️ Create APIs with less boilerplate code 📄
.NET utility classes to aid with Command Query Separation
The Command Management System supports the implementation of methods and classes as executable commands or actions. This is e.g. practical if you want to implement chat bots or react to actions by incoming packets within a server. Supported platforms: * .NET 4.5 * .NET 4.6 * .NET Standard 2.0
A Mediator.Net's middleware that plugs into the publish pipeline to send event to EventStore, it is usually being used for event sourcing.
A Mediator.Net's middleware that to broadcast the message to a message broker, by adding this one into the publish pipe, any event is raised from your domain logic will be picked up and broadcast to your configured message broker.
Core management of Buttons, Menu Items, Toolbars and more.
Command line argument parser library.
Fournit des classes permettant la mise en place du pattern command
Basic MVVM commands implementation.
Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Core 🌐 ✔️ Provides generic actions for handling the execution of commands and queries ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
- Provides the Cmd class to quickly create command line shell program. - Shell commands can be created using method naming conventions or method arguments. - A command line argument parser. - Live help - Auto command completion
Provides implementation for CQRS command, query and event dispatchers using Autofac.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure Microsoft SQL/MySQL/PostgreSql/Oracle/SQLite/ODBC/OleDb queries and load data into environment variables and instances. This is core package only. Install this package only by installing specific database package like: Databasic.<DatabaseType>. Then this p...
An implementation of IExecutor and IExecutorAsync utilizing SimpleInjector as IoC container.
Generic interfaces to provide caching support.
A set of extensions to provide caching support to MediatR request handlers.
Parses command line arguments, includes a single C# file as source code into the project