Top 20 NuGet build Packages

MSBuild target for RendleLabs UNPKG utility
Flubu is A C# library for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code. This package contains flubu task plugin for diffing 2 files. Diff task generates html report if there are any differences.
The PowerShell script to build the project and create a ZIP file. Ensure the Version element in the project file before run.
The PowerShell script to create a NuGet package for the project. Ensure the Version element in the project file before run.
Package extends FlubuCore with npm tasks.
The build-time development dependency that generates code for projects consuming Code Generation attributes.
Package extends FlubuCore with chocolatey tasks.
DocFx .net core web app build middleware. Rebuilds docFx assets when files are changed in a web app.
Cake AddIn to upload build artifacts to SharePoint. Also allows to get the current filenames on the server and delete files on the server.
Package Description
Minimal Simple Git Version abstraction that enables to reason on new versions and configure a build.
Common toolset for repositories
Common toolset for repositories
Cake extension for creating release notes based on closed GitHub issues and for publishing GitHub releases
Cake Addin to Add Squirrel.Windows support.
HockeyApp Addin for Cake Build Automation System.
Cake Build addin to provide Aliases for sending emails via SMTP.
Provides Microsoft Teams aliases (extension methods on Cake context) for Cake.
Cake aliases (methods) to help with consuming arguments and environment variables.
A simple Cake addin powered by AzCopy for uploading and downloading to/from Azure Storage (including Blob, Table and Files)