Top 20 NuGet build Packages

This NuGet package adds configurable MSBuild tasks to your project so that you can easily create and publish NuGet packages automatically after your project is built.
Build tools for style and code analysis checking.
Injects a specific project with an extension so projects can be easily extended with custom build targets or properties without touching the project file and as a consequence thereof losing control and overview.
A PowerShell based tool which controls a software project build process.
A Powershell module for building and NuGet-packing .Net projects. A convenient and easy to use module for those who need to package projects but don't have a full blown continuous-integration environment to do it for them.
The build module for psake. It contains a set of PowerShell scripts to make running psake tools slightly easier.
NuGet CommandLine Extensions for MainBrain build scripts.
Configures a project to automatically minify and/or bundle CSS and JS files during build. No extra dependencies are added to your project. Setup ajaxmin xml config files as required.
Configures a project to automatically compile all less files to css during build. No manual setup required and no dependencies added to your project
Configures a project to automatically compile all SASS/SCSS files to css during build. No manual setup required and no dependencies are added to your project
This package provides command line compilation tools for CodeTorch
Addin that extends Cake with CMake support.
This package has a powershell script. You will reference it, then tweak your .csproj to invoke it appropriately to modify your PDBs
[NEW: works with TypeScript] A project to auto-generate JavaScript and TypeScript proxies for ASP.NET MVC and WebApi controllers. With Intellisense, the library provides information for easy writing to ajax requests in JavaScript and in TypeScript for ASP.NET MVC and WEB API applications. The advan...
FAKE.GitBook is FAKE extension for GitBook.
A totally unsupported way to quickly add a SQL Code Guard support to your project. Works on my machine.
Tools to keep build pipelines sane while .NET Core matures