Top 20 NuGet build Packages

Cake Build addon to provide Semantice Versioning classes and aliases.
Cake Build addon for executing sql queries.
Build Information Parser
Cake Build addin for [de]serializing and updating an Android AppManifest.
Tasks and Targets for building Adjunct frameworks and NuGets. Enabled convention based package creation within Visual Studio.
A C# library for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code. A detailed example of how Flubu is used to build example project:
Midori includes a number of helpers for common functionality needed during builds, including: * Sql - Create dbs with SMO, execute SQL scripts, backup / restore and copy MDBs. Ship MDBs as part of a build, or run intgration tests against a fresh DB. * HipChat - send notifications ...
template your web.configs with mustache
makes msdeploy not mental
Database change management tool for .NET
A scriptcs script pack enabling the creation of scriptcs (.csx) build scripts.
ZeroToNine is a library that help to manage explicit versioning for C# and F# projects, by automating editing of version information in AssemblyInfo files.
Framework to simplify MS SQL access without Hibernate Query Language OR LINQ. This is for cases then simply CRUD operation must be made without overhead of mostroues ORM frameworks
Edamame provides powershell functions for common build and deployment tasks. Designed to be used as a plugin with Psake
This package provides build integration components so that solution can be digitally sign
This package provides build integration for digitally signing code via console
Build tasks that enable running PowerShell scripts from MSBuild.
Generate a random string every build accessible at Neko2k.BuildStrings.RandomBuildString