Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages

A Trifling library for caching with the Redis caching engine.
A Trifling library for caching with the ASP.Net caching engine.
A SDK framework that helps create a C# SDK project for consuming a generic REST API based on Microsoft WebAPI 2 conventions
LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .Net and Mono. Updated to use libssh2
This is a 3rd party .NET library for the Poloniex REST API
[Fork] InTouch - is a C# wrapper for API.
Redux Auth Wrapper (redux-auth-wrapper) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Openstack Wrapper (openstack-wrapper) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Wrapper class for BouncyCastle, added two methods for encrypting files -> SignAndEncrypt and Decrypt
Breezy SDK : C# wrapper for the breezy cloud printing API
A simple .NET wrapper for QuadrigaCX's API
An utility for the TMdbEasy library to help with file enumeration.
A C# wrapper for the official Clash Royale API
Wrapper for HttpClient with JSON serialization functionality
An (under development) C# library for accessing the Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 API.
Wrapper for HttpClient with JSON serialization functionality
C# wrapper for the Factorio Lua prototype definitions data
Find and replace dialog for the Scintilla.NET.
C# api wrapper for by Quoine
This .NET Core library provides wrapper interfaces for the classes HttpContext, HttpRequest and HttpResponse.