Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages

Wrapperator that provides interfaces and corresponding wrappers for system classes to allow faking them.
A .NET wrapper for the SalesforceIQ REST API using RestSharp
C# API wrapper for Atlassian's BitBucket Server
C# wrapper for Yandex Mystem
NeoLoad Selenium wrapper
An Un-Official C# wrapper library for the devRant API containing all public API methods.
Emailage Fraud Risk Assessment .NET 4.5 Wrapper
The mutable wrapper of Microsoft's .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") syntax tree. For simple manipulation of C# files.
A simple downloader package that can be used for creating simple yet efficient file downloading applications. If you'd like, please send me your opinions on the package through email so that I could improve it as time goes on.
A wrapper library for Mojang API. Used to authenticate user, manage skins and getting data such as statistics, profiles, and API status.
A C# wrapper for the Nanopool API
This library attempts to wrap the JSON-RPC calls provided by MultiChain. Where applicable, some initial design for ease of use and separation of calls has been made.
Makes it easy and seamless to work with the eloomi API. Connect with the most engaging learning management system at
InstagramWrapper is a complete, well-designed wrapper around Instagram APIs for .Net (written in C#).
API Client for Gearbest Associate Program
.NET Wrapper for PrexView API.
A Contentful content delivery API client
Freddie (the MailChimp mascot) is a .NET API wrapper for MailChimp that keeps things simple.