Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

This library provides XAML islands helpers for WPF. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. By using the WindowsXamlHost control, you can add built-in or custom UWP controls to the User Interface (UI) of your WPF desktop application, such as Windows Ink and controls that support the Fluen...
Private using
WPF Controls
The MVVM Framework is a compact and simple, yet powerful implementation of the MVVM pattern for WPF. It provides a strong model for managing the application lifecycle and the navigation. The MVVM framework decouples operation system functionality from the application logic by providing a powerful se...
Easy to use, fast, lightweight charting controls for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone 7.
The goal of AtomicMVVM is to allow developers to work with MVVM in their XAML based solutions (XPF, WinRT) with minimal effort while not getting in the way of the code. It requires .NET 4.5 or higher. The design goals of AtomicMVVM are (in order): simple over feature rich, unobtrusive over less code...
A simple IoC Container for .NET, SL, WP7, WP8, WinRT, Mono and Unity3d.
A standalone version of Caliburn.Micro's INPC implementation, BindableCollection, Execute.OnUIThread and InDesignMode checking designed for all Xaml platforms.
Fluent dynamic API for creating XAML Object trees, inspired by the fubu project HtmlTags
This is a WPF library containing a powerhouse of controls, frameworks, helpers, tools, etc. for productive WPF development.
Magellan is a navigation framework for Windows Presentation Foundation. It helps you to build inductive, navigation-oriented applications.
Magellan is a navigation framework for Windows Presentation Foundation. It helps you to build inductive, navigation-oriented applications. This package includes additional support for Blend Behaviors and Transitionals.
MVVM Helpers is a library of helpers for WPF to implement the MVVM design pattern, it also includes several Blend behaviors, attached behaviors, extension methods and general .NET classes to aid in the development of WPF applications.
T4 Templates for generating view models, and views for WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone using T4 Toolbox and MVVM Light. Conforms to StyleCop rules, and optional Autofac/Unity DI container integration with View Models.
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherInvokeExtensions
Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on StructureMap
Scal (Structuremap and Caliburn.Micro) combines the Caliburn.Micro framework with the StructureMap DI Container and sprinkles in MemBus as Event aggregator and DynamicXaml as support library for XAML-related tasks. Caliburn.Micro is directly packaged into this, to avoid running its install scripts.
Silverlight 4 Persian DatePicker Control
Automatically discover view model dependencies and databind without INotifyPropertyChanged.