Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

Vikings WPF Extensions
Prism を利用した WPF 用の軽量ライブラリです。.NET Framework 4.6 以上の環境で動作します。
An extension to Jeuxjeux20.Mvvm, which provides useful tools to use Application.Dispatcher and SynchronizationContext
WPF NodeGraph inspired by UE4's Blueprint Editor
MvvmLib Core Commands: DelegateCommand, AsyncCommand and CompositeCommand Task Extensions: for Async with void method Mvvm: BindableBase, ValidatableBindableBase and ModelWrapper EventAggregator : allows to subscribe, publish and filter messages
Gear for creating single-instance applications using named pipes.
The Dennkind Framework library provides animated frame and navigation controls for WPF applications.
General-purpose C# assistance library. See GitHub for more. Wingman.WPF contains an augmented Caliburn.Micro Bootstrapper.
A Windows UI Control, that displays the Periodic Table. With a customizable and adaptive Layout!
A class library for building enterprise applications with WPF, MVVM and Entity Framework Code First
Add Validatable objects that leverage FluentValidation to your ViewModels for easy binding and validation in a .NET MVVM app!
This library is designed to simplify testing applications created using the library MvvmFrame.Wpf
MinoriEditorStudio is an application shell similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. This uses AvalonDock and has an MVVM architecture based on MvvmCross.
.NET Core 3.0 port of PDFSharp-WPF: A .NET library for processing PDF.