Top 20 NuGet utility Packages

The general purpose library for developing apps with ASP.NET
This package provides a framework for building data validations.
This package provides utilities for NLog.
Csv utilities.
A jack of all trades and master of none. UtilitySharp provides helper classes with useful and powerful methods for things such as strings, datetimes, randomness, and numbers so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. As such, UtilitySharp strives to be the one library that you will always download fo...
This package provides a tool for throwing phantom exceptions that can be used to test application stability
utility functions for web applications
BizArk Core provides a collection of tools to make building line-of-business applications easier. See the project WIKI on Git for full list of features and documentation.
A c# library containing extension methods and reusable base classes for a light cqrs implementation.
Package Description
Tools and extensions for working with json.
Tools and extensions for working with buffers.
Tools and extensions to the .Net framework.
Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It includes code to help with tasks including encryption, compression, serialization, file management, email, image manipulation, SQL, various file formats (CSV, iCal, etc.), randomization, v...
Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It includes code to help with tasks including encryption, compression, serialization, file management, email, image manipulation, Active Directory, Exchange, SQL, various file formats (CSV, i...
Reusable charts and components on top of d3.js.
Provides additional assert capabilities for MS Test.
Enables activity story messages within a group when it is mentioned elsewhere
A lightweight utility library.
A simple, but very powerful, command-line parsing utility that automatically populates properties in your argument object. Handles data type conversions and data validation. Provides help text optimized for the console. See the project WIKI on Git for full list of features and documentation.