Top 20 NuGet utility Packages

MLEM Library for Extending MonoGame cross-platform project templates
BizTalk Factory's XML class library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk Factory's orchestration-centric messaging class library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk Factory's stream class library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
The CB.Win32.Standard project provides an more confortable way to access the Windows API. It is a reduced version of the CB.Win32 project to support .Net Standard and .Net Framework.
Integration with MFA
BizTalk.Factory's pipeline components XUnit-based test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk.Factory's pipeline components unit test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk.Factory's pipeline components NUnit-based test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk.Factory's pipeline components for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
A logging service that uses NLog as the back-end.
BizTalk Factory's transform unit test helpers for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk.Factory's Microsoft BizTalk Server Administration API for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
# MrMeeseeks Reactive This is a project where I'll dump all utility algorithms and data structures for Rx in order to not bloat application-specific code with application-unspecific code and in order to prevent writing same code over and over again. If you find something inte...
NET基础类库集,融合了多个开源框架,同时兼容.NET 4.0+和.NET Standard2.0的实用工具集,解决小型项目快速开发的问题,最小侵入性。
UsefulStuff for web applications
BizTalk.Factory's micro pipeline's micro components NUnit-based test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk.Factory's micro pipeline's micro components unit test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk.Factory's micro pipeline's micro components XUnit-based test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.