Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

A simple test helper that allows use of sqlite in memory based on MS example.
Provides streamlined SUT creation
NUnit matchers for Coypu.
Property testing for Expecto, powered by FsCheck
Testing Extensions
Set of ruby scripts that help you do continuous testing in .Net (supports NSpec, MSTest and NUnit).
The Visual Studio Testing Extensions is a library that exposes a set of extension methods to provide a way to write more readable unit tests in the Visual Studio Unit Testing environment. It is developed in C# 4.0 and requires the .NET 4.0 runtime.
PNUnit provides a way to test applications composed of distributed, communicating components. It was developed by the folks at Codice Software for their internal use and contributed to NUnit. Note that pNUnit is not intended for running tests in parallel simply to make them run faster. It requires ...
Configures SpecFlow to be able to easily use Selenium for WebTesting. Makes it possible to annotate a scenario with the browser it's supposed to work with. Contains SauceLabs IWebDriver implementation which has utility methods to update test status.
Friendly Common Interfaces. You can access the target application using the interface defined by this.
BDD style testing framework to allow unit testing with automated mocking, dependency injection and minimum friction based on the NUnit testing library. We at Leaping Gorilla strive to remove as much friction as possible from our testing methodology. To that end we wanted a drop dead simple way to ...
AspNet Simulator For Controller Action Level Integration Test
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
Create objects for testing purpose in a fluent and easy way.
Various fluent style data generators and extension methods for constrained non-determinism in your unit tests, integration tests, general automation projects and mock-ups.
Define, Combine, Visualize and Replay hundreds of test cases with a few lines of code! Website and source code: NCase is a mix between a Mocking Framework like Moq and a parametrized test framework, having advanced combinatorial capabilities. NCase is not rel...
The console command-line runner for Persimmon.
Xamarin based mocking framework that really helps to isolate dependencies in your mobile unit tests.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC is a powerful testing library providing easy fluent interface to test the ASP.NET Core MVC framework.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC Entity Framework Core components.