Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

A testing library written to easily add unit tests to cover behaviour held in SQL Server databases. This library allows you to write SQL unit tests in code alongside all your other unit tests, including running them from within your IDE and as part of CI builds. This package is the test runner for...
Client libraries for TestRail
IcuBlazor server hosting lib
Modulos.Testing is a simple library built to improve integration and unit testing. It also brings a bunch of battled proven patterns for better efficiency during testing process.
Test adapter for Hallstatt
Low-ceremony test framework
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.
Hedgehog with convenience attributes for xUnit. - Test method arguments generated with a custom - ...or with a custom Generator. - Property.check called for each test. Docs at
Load testing tool providing the best .NET developer experience for API performance testing.
FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible. It currently implements: * Several standard monads: State, Reader, Writer, Either, Cont...
Assembly-level shared state via IAssemblyFixture, just like built-in collection and class fixture state.
The purpose of this library is to provide Dynamics customers the ability to facilitate automated UI testing for their projects.
The NunitV2.Core package is aimed at third-party test runners that will normally include the assemblies directly in their own packages. It allows loading and running tests at a fairly low level.
Parse jQuery QUnit JavaScript tests from .NET; you can consequently present the tests and their results in your favourite test library (e.g. NUnit).
Utility classes and extensions to facilitate common testing operations.
Community Contributions for ASP.NET Web API
Simple, terse, fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers. ASP.NET MVC 3 version; install FluentMVCTesting if you are using MVC5 or FluentMVCTesting.Mvc4 if you are using MVC4.
A bunch of helpers to get around the deficiencies of MSTest. Features Dynamic/Runtime DataSource's, better exception support and much much more!
TestStack.White.ScreenObjects adds support for the Page Object Pattern, allowing you to write clean maintainable UI Tests