Top 20 NuGet test Packages

I create page models for writing maintainable automated UI tests. This is the core project used in the web driver implementations. You require a webdriver like UiMatic.SeleniumWebDriver.
Enables custom di containers and step argument injection in SpecFlow
NUnit adapter for Skimmia
Helper framework that wraps TestStack.White to ease aid in desktop UI testing
AutoMoq built for Unity5
Let you test a service communication, between a real hosted service and a client
Unit test extensions for Unity and Moq
Specification structured unit testing for AutoMapper profiles using xunit.spec
Strong Typed controls using the IWebElement methods, but only exposing the functions required for each control type.
Tool for generating data testing.
Extensions.Logging.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` ILoggerFactory factory=new LoggerFactory.AddProvider(new StringListLoggerProvider()) ILogger logger= factory.CreateLogger("Test1"); ...tests... ; StringListLogger.Instance .LoggedLines .ShouldContain(...
Infrastructure functions helpful in testing the code using Project Composite functions.
MongoDB.Fake is an in-memory implementation of IMongoClient, IMongoDatabase and IMongoCollection for unit test purposes.
Now with .NET Standard support! The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assertions for AAA and BDD style tests. It provides assertions only, and as a result it is test runner agnostic. The assertions are a direct fork of the xUnit test assertions. This proje...
An xUnit extension to dynamically generate human readable test names.
CherryPicker is a data injection framework for building test data objects.
A collection of validation rules for Visual Studio Web Tests.
A unit test adapter for Gherkin specifications.
A parser and test runner for the Gherkin language.