Top 20 NuGet test Packages

Excel data reader to create test data adapters. The adapter support xlsx and xml spreadsheet 2003 files
Using the Tenon.IO api, gives the ability to run accessibility tests for both URL's and source code.
A small set of utilities that help with unit and integration testing
A library for unit testing ASP.Net routing tables for WebForms
Package Description
HttpLoadTesting http load generator framework
AutoBuilder is a .Net Core library that makes easy creation of objects graphs filled of data. It is a tool for building unit tests arranges.
Helper utility for MEF2 composition in Unit Testing
Testify is a unit test assertions, test data creation and contract verification framework. It's not dependent on any specific unit testing framework. Testify.Moq adds mocking support via Moq.
Package description
Helper classes to test components using Kralizek.Assembla.Connector.
Package Description
The runner of Carna testing and specification framework for Universal Windows Platform application.
A library for unit testing Serilog log events in concurrent testing frameworks.
DataBag provides an easy way of resolving string expressions based on registered variables. DataBag.EntityFramework allows you to integrate DataBag library with EntityFramework. For more details see Project Site.
The .NET Memory Profiler API can be used to retrieve memory usage information, perform memory assertions, and collect memory snapshots from within a profiled process. This API is intended to be used for automatic memory testing with the help of .NET Memory Profiler or NmpCore. The SciTech.NmpDataC...
Defines IClock that provides a simple abstraction for unit testing dates and times.
Automatic test subject mocking using Moq.
Abstract testing framework that promotes a BDD style of testing
A Simple Object Builder for creating Test Objects.