Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

Utility Tools for Microsoft Azure Storage
Utility Tools for Microsoft Azure Table Storage
jSon based data storage with LINQ to Object interface.
Gorilla Geek Storage Manager
Crypteron CipherStor for encrypting files and file streams destined for Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, SMB and local file servers
AWS S3 ITokenKeyStore implementation
Owin extensions including HTTP tracing
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with the Microsoft Azure Table Storage.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with the Microsoft Azure Table Storage. Contains Slazure Light edition component.
MVC filters that support AccidentalFish.ApplicationSupport.Owin
Web Api filters that support AccidentalFish.ApplicationSupport.Owin
Sharding library for Azure Storage optimised for multithreading.
[codingfreaks] Azure utility library
Panteon Task SDK History Storage SqlServer
A collection of extensions and utilities to help with using Microsoft Azure in .NET development
A DynamicStore storage provider used for storing app data in CouchDB or Cloudant Databases. Based off Daniel Wertheim's MyCouch library.
A DynamicStore storage and configuration provider used for storing app data and configuration settings in local JSON files
Compatibility library designed to allow using DynamicStore as backing storage for Peasy.NET projects
FileStorage Azure