Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

Log exceptions to Azure Table Storage. Commonly used types: GuardRex.AzureTableStorageExceptionLogger.ExceptionLog
EasyDocumentStorage PCL provides a basic and easy to use cross platform document storage.
Wrapper to interact with the Azure StorageAccount.
Event Sourcing and Sharding library for Azure Storage optimised for multithreading.
Postgres implementation against the IDbFileStorageEngine.
MongoDB implementation against the IDbFileStorageEngine.
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries in Azure table storage. This re-implementation is because, as of Dec '16, SematicLogging seems to have been aba...
Collection of models, abstractions, and providers to facilitate persistance to cloud services.
Extends the MediaStash.Lib and provides a default Azure integration.
Extends the MediaStash.Lib and provides AWS integration.
Simple API for Azure Storage
Utilities for lazy loading and separating values into storage. Very useful for message queues which have a limited size per message
Simple repository pattern for Azure Table storage
Unified Bucket CloudStorage API for Xamarin.Android by CloudRail provided an easy solution to store and retrieve. This interface includes Amazon Web Services S3, Backblaze, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Storage, Rackspace. Get a free license key at: Fea...
CQRS framework with Event store implementation on Azure Table Storage
Contains basic contracts for a key value pair storage system
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Azure blob storage via the common Mantle storage interface.
This library contains support for Mantle dictionary storage on the Windows Azure platform.
Arragro provider for in memory storage provider.
Service for azure blob storage