Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

Generic Entity Framework repository
A .NET Core, Standard 2.0 generic Repository implementation in which you can leverage OData query syntax and combine OData queries with EF's IDbSets, i.e. combine IQueryable objects from OData and EF as data providers.
Implementation of CQELight abstractions with EF Core
Repository pattern for the official .NET Core MongoDB driver and configured with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Entity Framework Core & Dapper Hybrid Repository
Yet another repository base on dapper with fluent api.
Contains Dapper specific implementation for infrastructure layer
Provide Mongo database store for ServerSideAnalytics
Adds mapping for all the NodaTime types
A generic repositry implementation using entityframework core, that can be used and extended easily for all purposes.
.NET Standard package that implements the Repository pattern for DynamoDB tables
This provides services to handle Client/Server synchronization and conflict resolution.
This provides a client side implementation of EntityFramework using versionned entities and tracking changes
This provides server side implementations of data access services for API use. It also provides an abstraction to API controllers which encapsulate base services, conflict management and regirstration to the IoC.
Provides an Autofac module to simplify the registration of components in IoC For MySQL
Implementation of SqlRepoEx ORM for Lambda Turn to MySQL statement