Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

Pooka.Repo.EF A simple CQRS repository
Provides base class functionality that serves as an Entity Framework 6.0 data proxy implementation. Use this to quickly create peasy data proxies that perform CRUD operations against a database using Entity Framework 6.0.
Common generic repository interfaces.
Common generic repository interfaces.
Generic Repository and UnitOfWork Pattern implementation with base classes for Entity Framework
This package contains cached repository which is based on Repository.Mongo package. Cache object should be based on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching
Implement these interfaces in your entities and DTOs.
Generic ASP.NET MVC 5 Repository
Excqape interfaces provide support for the combination of several design patterns: the Command Pattern, the Decorator Pattern, and the 'Exchange' Pattern. It abstracts any storage paradigm (relational, key-value, document, etc.), without the ugliness of repositories.
ScopedUnitOfWork is a lightweight .NET Standard implementation of Unit of Work and Repository patterns, extended with scoped functionality to improve read performance and in-built with transactions management; in respect to underlying Entity Framework Core ORM.
Framework in C # for the abstract creation of repositories.
This package provides a way to implement Unit Of Work and Repository patterns with Entity Framework Core and DbContextScope.
SQL Server implementation of the RevStack c# repository pattern.
Entity Framework Fluent Repository pattern
Idea.Repository Class Library
Idea.Repository.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
A generic C# .Net Repository with a primary focus on testability.