Top 20 NuGet pcl Packages

PCL ToolBelt for Applications
High performance FIT file parser packaged as a PCL.
A straightforward plugin for Xamarin which provides easy compression for image streams. Compression from 1 to 100% available. Returns a compressed MemoryStream in JPEG format, which can then be saved or displayed. Great for Xamarin Forms! Simply install the plugin and call the EZcompress class meth...
Cross platform access to that LED on the back of your phone.
Library to simplify runtime checking by using code contracts.
System.Reflection cross platform package (plugin) to replace code usage in various projects like Xamarin.Auth
HolisticWare.Core cross platform package (plugin) with extensions and utilities for System namespace in Portable Class Libraries
Utilities for Gorilla Geek development
Utilities.Web.Mvc for Gorilla Geek development
Portable Client Library and HttpClient based OAuth library, including all platform(for PCL as .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5, Silverlight4, Silverlight5, Windows Phone 8.0, Windows Store Apps). This is an independently uploaded package and has source code from various sources aggregated under MIT License. Ori...
The main goal of this project is to supply a portable alternative to System.Text.Encoding that can be used from other PCL libraries. Platforms such as Windows Phone currently do not provide support for text encodings other than a limited subset of the Unicode encodings. This can be a real show-stop...
DiceNotation is a dice rolling library implemented as a PCL. It can be used to turn strings like "6d4k2 + 12" into actionable dice rolls and, using DiceNotation's `MinDieRoller` and `MaxDieRoller`, can easily compute the full range as well.
Unglide is a tweening library implemented as a Portable Class Library.
Shims LoadAssembly(byte[] rawAssembly) for Windows Desktop, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android when running under portable-net45+wp8+wpa81+win8+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10.
NOTE: As of the 1.0 release, package IDs for SQLitePCL.raw now begin with SQLitePCLRaw.*. Some use cases will involve minor breaking changes in the transition. See README on GitHub for more info. SQLitePCL.raw is a Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite. This package d...
This is a fork of the original sqlite-net-PCL project. This package targets Silverlight 5 as a PCL platform
TinyRest portable library
## Features: - Support for cell contents to be any Xamarin.Forms.View - Scrolling, both horizontal and vertical - Optional top frozen header row - Optional left frozen column - Separate View template for each column - View recycling (If you have 1000 rows but only 10 can be visible, Dat...
Xamarin plugin which gets the local path location for a database file on Android and iOS. This plugin abstracts the platform specific ways in which you derive the local filepath to store data on the phone.
Binding manager and interfaces for adding bindings to existing UI frameworks.