Top 20 NuGet pcl Packages

Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files from the filesystem (iCloud drive in case of iOS) and work with them.
this package will help you to improve your project, providing message interface and navigation interface. Remember, Initialize the interfaces in APP.cs
Create vector based font icons for TabbedPages and Labels. Using vector based font icons removes the need to scale images. FontAwesome, IonIcons, FoundationIcons, and Themify Icon keys included.
Provides a sample implementation of a StackPanel that shows how to add tags in multiple rows.
Display HUD's dialog.
Long description for your plugin.
libvideo is a fast, clean way to download YouTube videos. It is fully portable and has no dependencies. Find us on GitHub at
Plugin that makes it easy to handle all sorts of settings, more precisely, values of any type that is accessed through a key. This plugin was inspired by another similar component written by James Montemagno, but I used a different approach to data handling and usage. This plugin uses the native se...
Share File plugin for Xamarin iOS, Android and Windows
Uses Rx v2.5.5
OneCode.Html is an highly-optimized library for parsing an HTML text stream into an HtmlTree object. After the tree is built, you can traverse the tree and access the HTML ElementNode(s) and AttributeNode(s). The library can be used in any .NET applications, including Xamarin. UWP, ASP.NET, WPF, .N...
Enable in-app messaging for your mobile apps and websites using SendBird messaging SDK and chat API.
Add bloom effect to MonoGame projects
OneCode.Logging is a lightweight logging library for .NET Standard. It can be used in any .NET applications, including Xamarin. UWP, ASP.NET, WPF, .NET Core for Linux, etc. OneCode.Logging makes it easy to produce high-quality logs for your application.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for Xamarin iOS Unified.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v7.AppCompat.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v4.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for Android.