Top 20 NuGet pcl Packages

GameCenter PlugIn for Xamarin.Forms.
Portable content pipleline library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
Portable content pipleline library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
MacOS (CoreGraphics) backend for NGraphics
Portable content pipleline library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
GoogleAnalytics Plugin for Xamarin...
AutoCompleteView custom control for Xamarin.Forms
ProgressBarView custom control for Xamarin.Forms
WrapRepeaterView custom control for Xamarin.Forms
ARSoft.Tools.Net SDK for Xamarin (Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS)
Sharp.Xmpp SDK for Xamarin (Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS)
Wapps.Forms.StrechableImage - Resizable image like 9Patch for Forms.
Genesis.RetryWithBackoff provides a RetryWithBackoff extension method for IObservable<T>.
A Xamarin.Forms PCL plugin to facilitate validation of entries. This plugin only needs adding to the Xamarin.Forms PCL projects that contain XAML forms that are going to use validation. It does not need adding to the platform specific projects
Portable content pipleline library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
Portable content pipleline library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
PCL version of KeePass 2.x library
SQLite-net is an open source and light weight library providing easy SQLite database storage for .NET, Mono, and Xamarin applications. This version uses SQLitePCLRaw to provide platform independent versions of SQLite.
Add an icon in Xamarin Forms Entry control.