Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and MySQL.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with MongoDB.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with MongoDB. Contains Slazure Light edition component.
LoopGen - Super Easy Way to Continuously Generate EntityFramework POCO code from Your MSSQL Database. Cloud Based Code Generator - Continuously generate .NET C# EntityFramework DbContext and POCO Objects from Your MSSQL Database. It’s super easy to use!! How It Works: - Create a unit test ...
Useful LightDataInterface extensions for WebApi.
NHibernate provider for LightDataInterface.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with Azure DocumentDB. Contains Slazure Light edition component.
F# ORM wrapper for mysql driver
An adapter for PostgreSQL for Folke.Elm
SQL Server driver for Iridium
SqlSugar ORM .NET 4.0+ High-performance, lightweight
An extension to the Popsql library that integrates it seamlessly with the Dapper micro-ORM.
Contiene clases para hacer operaciones en la base de datos usando ADO.NET o Telerik Data Access
Lightweight .NET Core library for generating SQL statements from plain objects with advanced features and mapping support
CRUD Extensions for Dapper.Net
PostgreSql adapter for Simple.Data
An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE. Originally Schotime's PetaPoco branch.
DSI Platform Entity Framework Core component
A library that implements an Azure DocumentDb repository and unit of work
An easy sql framework which provides ORM mapping, data translation and content conversion.