Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers specialize to handle MySql.
ASP.NET MVC augmentations needed to support single page applications.
ASP.NET MVC augmentations needed to support single page applications.
NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. This package enables the ability to use lazy-loading with Unity interceptors.
The fastest and smoothest way to good architecture.
Punch is a blend of three popular frameworks: Caliburn.Micro + DevForce + Entity Framework. Line of business applications need to query and save database data, model the data as objects with business logic, and present those objects to the end user. Punch takes care of these fundamental responsibil...
FluentSql library makes writing Sql statements easy. It can be used for simple CRUD to multiple join queries. Using a fluent api, one can write in C# or VB sql like statements that translate into a lean Sql statement that a DBMS can process. FluentSql uses Dapper to execute its statements.
Framework principalmente para el uso de NHibernate
RomanticWeb Json-LD processor.
Extension for EntityFramework Library brings together the best of the EntityFramework with Dapper. Basic CRUD operations (Query, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs.
Provides a DataAccess abstraction over a relational DB. The implementation is done with EF, which is well hiden from the clients
Flexberry ORM CurrentUserService package.
Flexberry ORM UnityFactory package.
LeadPipe.Net.Data.NHibernate is a comprehensive pre-built data implementation package that uses NHibernate and provides implementations of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read...
.NET ORM, primarily for F#
A library that implements an EntityFramework Code first repository and unit of work