Top 20 NuGet mvvm Packages

A project for getting started with Bifrost quickly
Revolutionize your MVVM. Compose and connect properties, reuse property patterns, and make your presentation logic code concise, predictable, and less error-prone. Make your async VMs portable.
These useful XAML converters ease databinding between ViewModel and View in MVVM environments.
This packages adds bootstrap 3 support to Durandal written by Rob Eisenberg. Built using Durandal 2.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Singl...
Contains some useful view models, messages, and handler routines using ModernWPF and MvvmLight.
A JsonConverter that serializes JSON, with data annotation meta-data embedded, so you can write validation logic on the server and render it on the client.
Code snippets for Assisticant.
Extension for Ninject providing integration with Mugen MVVM Toolkit.
This package contains a sort of controls, classes and class helpers that is a result of a INDT ( initiative to help developers to accelerate their apps development speed. This framework works together with Caliburn.Micro, to also help developers to use the MVVM architeture. All the co...
Support for Unity for Bifrost
Data binding in Xamarin for iOS and Android that fits within the starter licence.
This package contains the 'Getting Started' assemblies for UWP, Android, iOS platforms. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide main...
Support for Simple Injector for Bifrost
Reactive navigation for MVVM applications
MvvmFormsBase includes base classes to design ViewModels, which are compatible to XAML and MvvmForms.
MVVM Navigation framework for UWP. It allows you to perform navigation directly in you ViewModels and pass data directly to them. It also easily handles state persistence and conditional navigation based on screen size.
Provides full .NET Framework services for applications using OmniXAML.