Top 20 NuGet mvvm Packages

Lightweight MVVM framework for WPF on .NET Core and .NET Framework using ViewModel-first approach
WPF Конвертеры
WpfEssentials provides basic functions to create a WPF MVVM application. It features the following: - RelayCommand and AsyncRelayCommand classes with an optional generic parameter - View models that can be used for dialogs and models/entities - A view manager that handles WPF-specific tasks like op...
A better way to create classes implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.
FolderBrowserEx is a library to use the Windows Vista/7 Folder Browser in your .NET Framework and .NET Core Applications.
Collection of commonly used elements in MVVM architectural pattern.
A lightweight, MVVM support Chart control for WPF/UWP
A collection of MVVM helpers for WPF, Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI
Caliburn Micro style conventions for Knockout
This package is only a redirect to the System.Waf.Wpf package. System.Waf.Wpf is the successor of this package.
Open RIA Services Toolkit - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features
Bovender's framework for MVVM and more
A library that provides a type that supports both INotifyPropertyChanged and IObservable<T>.
MVVM extensions designed for .NET Standard with support for async commands, MVVM-friendly Object and Task with support for UI notification.
UIStackView for use with MvvmCross
I18NPortable plugin to support json file formats
A lightweight starter project kit for Xamarin.Forms.
A Prism Autofac implementation for Prism 7.
TinyMVVM library for Xamarin Forms
A library containing a Property class that supports bindings, mapping bindings, readonly views and notifications via INotifyPropertyChanged.