Top 20 NuGet mvvm Packages

ViewModel Presist Library
Extensions for MvvmFrameWpf.TestAdapter
WPF implementations for the general DarkHelpers library
Xamarin.Forms implementations for the general DarkHelpers library
Combined power of MahApps.Metro and Caliburn.Micro
Reuse is a toolkit that makes easier for you to implement specific MVVM and cross-platform patterns that you reuse oftenly across Windows Phone and Windows Store apps. Built using the building blocks of MVVM Light and leveraging as much as possible Portable Class Libraries.
MVVM and CQRS Toolkit for W81/WPA81/UWP/.NET Core 1.0/.NET 4.5 apps
A small opinionated MVVM library
This is a small library that uses pattern MVVM for a handy use in WPF and Xamarin forms.
Most of Calcium's functionality is located in this shared code base, which is a .NET Standard library. Features that require platform specific implementation are implemented in respective platform specific packages. In the case of this package, the platform specific packages are: Calcium.Android, Ca...
This package contains the 'CouchBaseLite' plugin for MvvmCross.
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework
This package contains the 'Open-XML-SDK' plugin for MvvmCross.
Command-line tools for DotVVM.
Minimalist MVVM framework for .NET.
Provides a .Net implementation of a WPF drop down button control.
Light MVVM-framework for UWP apps
PropertyGrid module for Gemini, utilising the PropertyGrid control from the Extended WPF Toolkit.
Inspector module for Gemini, providing a flexible PropertyGrid-esque tool window.
CodeEditor module for Gemini, providing a syntax-highlighted code editor using AvalonEdit.