Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

This package extends MSBuilder.GenerateAssemblyInfo to also generate a static `ThisAssembly.Metadata` class with the `@(AssemblyAttribute)` attributes that have `Include="System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute"`. So for an attribute like: [assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttri...
The PowerShell script to build the project and create a ZIP file. Ensure the Version element in the project file before run.
Package that contains MSBuild magic to easily incorporate Grpc and Protobuf in Visual Studio C# projects. What it does: - Add GRPC build targets. - On compilation these detect changes to the .proto in the project. - For the changed proto files the corresponding C# wrappers and proto definitions wil...
The build-time development dependency that generates code for projects consuming Code Generation attributes.
Code generator for Tanka GraphQL library
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
Helpful MSBuild task for versioning your .NET Core projects.
Fib.Net is a full C# rewrite of Jib, the fast java image builder. Fib.Net.MSBuild integrates the core Fib.Net library into the MSBuild pipeline.
Package used to discover compiler paths in MSBuild.
Common toolset for repositories
Common toolset for repositories
Build tools for Unity Mod Studio projects using Unity Doorstop mod loader.
Powershell and MSBuild tasks for standard devops tasks in C#. The tasks are simplified versions of Powershell and MSBuild script for ease use and understanding for newcommers to Powershell and MSBuild. Includes build and deploy examples.
A MSBuild task library for harvesting semantic versioning information from source control tags.
Simple MSBuild Task that helps with maintaining app.config and web.config across multiple projects, and build configurations. Create one app.config/web.config template and share it across multiple projects with different configurations for each build target. Supports * Recursive configuration tra...
Crawl and index your (static) website for searching using an MSBuild target. Simple search query interface. Uses Lucene.Net and NCrawler.
Tasks collection for MSBuild
A custom msbuild task which allows execution of JavaScript during the build process (does NOT allow you to compile/compress/minify javascript itself)
A couple of handy MSBuild tasks for SQL Server scripting. Available under the Apache License 2.0.
VersionTasks is an MSBuild Tasks library to automatically insert the current repository's changeset into to your project. Supports Git, Mercurial, Team Foundation Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2012.