Top 20 NuGet log Packages

A logger for Forest that outputs to the filesystem. Configurable output location. Split log files.
Facilitate logs, and other functionalities when building a .Net application
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service. (only .net core)
This is a library which doing logging feature in Xamarin Forms(iOS and Android only)
Plexdata.LogWriter.Abstraction defines all basic interfaces as well as other implementations of the Plexdata Logging Writer. This package provides an implementation of an Empty logger as well, that might be useful as dummy or pre-logging implementation.
Xlogger integration for ASP.NET Core
XLogger adapter to write logs in the MongoDB database
A singleton logging component. Simple to use, lots of flexibility. Writes to a user-specified log and path, and optionally sends email. Can also write logs to a SQL Server database, with optional audit log. T-SQL files included. For .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Framework 4.6.1+
Fast Async Log for .NET Core
MongoDB appender for log4net
An extension which provides you the UI to see all your Application Logs which are there in the FileSystem
Fixed size tagged log located in memory
Fixed size tagged log located in memory
Abp的NLog日志输出模块。已支持.NET Core 3.1,Abp 5.1.0。
Create Log for every step in your application.