Top 20 NuGet log Packages

Log everything to SQLite, not to a simple text file.
NLog wrapper
LiveSwitch UI native client library.
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service.
Simple modular logging system.
As of 01/23/2018 you can send data to Azure Log Analytics with the HTTP Data Collector API (public preview) from a REST API client. This package implements this as a Logging Provider for ASP.NET Standard 2.0
Abstractions for the dotnet core logging framework.
Dot Net Memory logger for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
View and trace notifications in an app
Retrieve logs from a WADLogsTable and write them to a CSV file.
HelperBox for C# Projects
A simple easy to use Logger for .NET Framework
Setup: on startup.cs: app-->IApplicationBuilder app.UseMiddleware(typeof(LogExceptionHandlingMiddleware)); LogConfiguration.ConfigureLog(strring ApplicationPath); Use the following configuration: "Log": { "File": { "LogFolder": "Logs", "LogFile": "log-{0}.txt" }, "Sqlit...